We call our school canteen The Beehive
That's because it is always buzzing with energy and the workers fly around the place all day long!
Our canteen committee meets regularly to ensure that we are offering our students home-cooked, healthy meals at reasonable prices.
There is very little pre-packaged food sold, in fact the odd ice cream and frozen fruit juice is all that is ready made. The rest of the food is cooked or made in the canteen.
The Beehive is always looking for volunteers, so if you, or any member of your family can spare anytime at all (it doesn't have to be a full day), please contact us at school and talk to us.
We are now selling reusable lunch bags which have a pouch in which the daily order can be changed. Not only are these handy and cost efficient (no more buying of paper bags), they are environmentally friendly as we will be producing less rubbish and purchasing fewer paper bags. They are a bargain at only $10 and are available from The Beehive.