Bowral Public School

Striving, Thinking, Learning

Telephone02 4861 1086


The library is a busy place. Every class has both a time to borrow books each week and a time to work with the teacher in the library.

Lessons may involve research units that tie in with current HSIE or  English units undertaken in class or they may be literature based units of work centred around a particular author or specific books. In their lesson time, the children will also explore the way a library works and learn how to find and use information in a variety of formats.

Technology is a large component of teaching in the library. Most lessons incorporate the use of the interactive whiteboard as well as a bank of computers for research and publishing activities.

We have a wonderful collection of books for student borrowing and spend a generous budget on new resources each year. Our collection also supports the school curriculum with a wide range of resources for teacher use.

Library access

Children also have access to the library three lunchtimes and two mornings before school each week. The mornings are for book changing only while the lunchtime access is also for recreation activities such as computer use, reading, board games, lego or drawing activities.

Library monitors

Every year each class from Year 3 to Year 6 is invited to choose two library monitors. These students receive a special badge and hold this position for the whole year. During this year they learn to carry out many of the essential day-to-day tasks in running a library.

Among other things, the children learn the procedures for sorting and returning books as well as shelving books accurately. This takes some time to become proficient but gives the students a role of responsibility within the school. They are also an invaluable help and an absolute pleasure to work with.

School library bags

Library bags

Bowral Public School has a well-resourced library which has always been strongly supported by our school community. Every year it is a pleasure to encourage our students to explore the wonderful world of books and reading. All students are expected to use a library bag when borrowing our library books as it helps to protect them and makes them last a little longer.

If your child already has a library bag please send it with them on their library day. A cloth bag is fine.

Strong, waterproof library bags are also available from the Uniform shop.  They cost $15.00 and come in a range of colours with the school logo on the front. Available in different colours. Shoulder straps for the bags are also available and cost $3.00.