Bowral Public School

Striving, Thinking, Learning

Telephone02 4861 1086

From the principal

Welcome to Bowral Public School Bowral.

Public School is set in the heart of the town of Bowral. We are part of the Wollondilly network.

Our professional university educated teachers, encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and care for your child's learning and wellbeing.

Bowral Public School has always been held in high regard by the local community. A strong sense of belonging and pride is evident among the students. At Bowral Public School, students are at the centre of our approach to teaching, learning and our decision-making and we hold high expectations of student learning, leadership, participation and inclusion. We have a successful culture of students learning together and supporting and encouraging each other to do their best.

Our role as a school, is to work with parents and caregivers in the education of all children. We work together to provide the very best educational learning environment for all to learn in.

As a school, we aim to promote students as independent, self-regulated students living in a global, technological world and support them on their journey.

We pride ourselves on meeting the individual learning needs of every student by providing them with many opportunities for success. Our extensive range of curriculum and extracurricular programs offered in all key learning areas and sport, challenge, and nurture individual student talent. We also support students to be successful learners, who are confident and creative individuals that grow into active, informed citizens.


Mrs Aimee Perfrement